Some of my all-time favourites last year were discovered
through the supportive bookish communities on Goodreads and Instagram – thank you
to all who pointed me in the direction of some fantastic reads! I love
interacting with other readers on social media, and spend way too much time
online browsing. Despite this, I still managed to surpass my 2017 reading challenge
by 23 books, with 123 read in total.
It is never easy to choose favourites, but there were a few
books that stood out from the rest, and I cannot help myself but sing their
praise here. And perhaps you will find your next favourite read amongst the

I also established my bookstagram account early in 2017, and
have been having great fun with my bookish photos, featuring nature at its best in the beautiful
Great Southern region. I hate to admit this, but at times the idea for a
bookstagram image was a great motivator to get me out hiking in winter. So I
also have to include my personal favourite bookstagram photo in this post – which contains
my favourite book cover of 2017 – doesn’t that eye look so creepy!
Reflecting on my reading goals for 2018 – to be honest, I don’t have
much of a plan, preferring to be taken on a surprise journey. Some of my
all-time favourite books have come out of left field, surprising me by appearing
just as I needed them most. The only thing I want to try is to expand my
armchair travel map by a few more countries – but I will explain this in
another post. For now, I am loving the clean slate 2018 is presenting. Inviting
new and wonderful books into my life, and welcoming suggestions.
Thank you for being part of my reading journey!
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