Looking at the list of reviews posted I can almost pinpoint the date at which my exhaustion due to a ridiculously heavy workload from my job and study got in the way of reading and reviewing. Whilst I managed to still read a few pages before succumbing to sleep every night, I did fall 9 books short of my 100 book target for 2013 - as well as having a list of books waiting for review, which I am still hoping to do justice in the next few weeks.
On the upside, I did manage to finish my target for the Australian Women Writers Challenge, thorough which I discovered some fantastic home grown authors.
I also continued to enjoy a vast array of audiobooks, which kept me sane during my daily 2 hr commute, sometimes in the early morning or late night hours dodging kangaroos and trying to stay awake. Without them I may not have been able to keep my eyes open! Predictably, my preference in terms of audiobooks leans towards gripping thrillers, which not only make the time go much faster but also sometimes see me sitting in the driveway at home still listening, unable to tear myself away (until my husband comes looking for me with the torch asking "what ARE you doing????").
In 2014, this shiny brand new year of possibility, I am planning to work on my work/life balance and get back into a reading and reviewing schedule - perhaps aiming for 100 books to read in 2014 is a bit ambitious, seeing how I am contemplating further study this year, but it's not called a challenge for nothing, is it?
My first book for 2014 is Deeper Than the Dead by Tami Hoag, and I am already enthralled. 2014 - let's bring on some serious reading!